The Commitment of B.F. S.p.A. and the BF Group Companies
B.F. S.p.A. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter, including B.F. S.p.A., collectively referred to as the "BF Group" or the "BF Group Companies"), in adherence to their core values, the ethical principles set forth in the BF Group’s Code of Ethics (the "Code of Ethics"), and their commitment to complying with applicable laws and regulations, provide access to the
digital platform called “
MyWhistleblowing,” the link to which is provided at the end of this notice (the "Platform"). Through this Platform, B.F. S.p.A. and the BF Group Companies listed in the section “
Before You Begin” have implemented the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 24 of March 10, 2023 (which transposes EU Directive 2019/1937) concerning the protection of individuals who report violations of European Union law and national regulatory provisions (the "Report" or "Reports").
Click here to access the general information applicable to all BF Group Companies subject to this regulation.
Which channel should be used to submit a Report?
Reports may be submitted in writing or orally through the Platform, or in writing via regular mail. By selecting, during the reporting process, the specific BF Group Company to which the Report is to be addressed, the system will direct it to the relevant reporting channel and the designated person responsible for handling the Report.
Read the Privacy Notice on the protection of personal data (pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679 - GDPR)